There may be many ways that you can avoid an accident but if it happens, it is important to know...
A Gold Coast rider who fell in thick and loose gravel on the Lions Rd on the NSW-Queensland border says...
A worldwide program to find, encourage, test and develop innovative technology that will improve motorcycle road safety is being launched....
City speed limits used to be 60km/h, then they dropped to 50km/h, then 40km/h and now a Melbourne council wants...
The danger of wire rope barriers is overstated by riders and representative groups, according to a leading authority on safety...
A pothole repair program being carried out throughout NSW, and possibly other states, could be a danger to riders, says...
A Bundaberg rider says he probably owes his life to a $290 Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon or EPIRB after crashing his...
(Sponsored post for the northern winter) We’re now in the final third of the year, and that means we’re inching...
How to reduce the high cost of CTP (compulsory third-party insurance) has always been an issue among motorcyclists, especially in...
Speed is cited as the biggest killer on our roads because of a lack of expertise among police accident investigators,...
German automotive technology company Continental AG plans to be the first with a motorcycle emergency brake-assist system that applies extra...
Visibility of riders and their motorcycles should be increased and high-speed limits in rural areas reduced, a new Monash University’s...
Riders are three times more likely to be involved in crashes caused by potholes and poor road surfaces than any...
Florida woman Jennifer St Clair, 33, was killed when she was run over by several cars after she fell off...
The motorcycle road toll can be reduced by better speed and alcohol/drug use enforcement, safer motorbikes, mandatory helmet laws and...
A Brisbane rider whose BMW R 1200 R was rear-ended in 2016 is still waiting to find out if the...
Lane filtering around trucks can be dangerous simply because riders can be invisible to the truck driver, even if you...
(Article contributed by West Coast Trial Lawyers, LA) One of the best experiences that a person could possibly have is...
Crash witnesses are sometimes too scared of being sued to provide first-aid or assistance to crashed riders, says paramedic Michael...
A 24-year-old Perth rider has died after a woman who had been involved in a police pursuit crashed into him...
Thick and loose gravel that caused a Gold Coast rider to fall off her Harley-Davidson on the Lions Rd on...
Witnesses to a hit-and-run involving a truck and a motorcyclist aged 22 in Logan Village, Queensland, at 8pm on 15...
Two European motorcyclist associations have lent their support to an Australian family’s campaign to halt the rollout of wire rope...
Riders will no longer be able to pull over on Eddies Corner on the Old Pacific Highway – or Old...
A petition has been launched in Victoria to halt the rollout of wire rope barriers (WRBs) considered dangerous to motorcycle...
Riders can win prizes during Road Safety Week in Queensland when Nerang Police conduct a “North Upright” education campaign on...
The world’s first rating system for motorcycle clothing protection has been launched to give riders a guide to the safety...
Shoddy pothole repairs in northern NSW seem to be endemic and have claimed at least one more motorcycle rider. Gold...
Some 31 months after a Darwin rider died in a roadworks crash, the wheels of justice grind on slowly as...
Motorcycle Accidents in Miami, FL (Sponsored post for Florida readers) Florida is an ideal state to own and enjoy a...
Witnesses are being sought after a 2004 blue Honda Accord sedan merged into a lane with a 2012 blue Harley-Davidson...
More and more dashcam evidence is convicting traffic offenders and protecting vulnerable motorcyclists involved in SMIDSY crashes. Riders have a...
Many riders may not realise that if they are involved in a crash, they may not be covered for what...
Riders heading into the Outback should be aware of the dangers of hitting kangaroos, says the Royal Flying Doctor Service whose planes...
While many riders hate covert speed cameras that are turning us into a nation of speedo gazers, they should welcome...
“I’m down, I’m down,” a motorcycle officer calmly says into his police radio after being rammed by the driver of...
If you’ve ever been a witness at a motorcycle crash scene you may have noticed that medics (ambulance officers and...
It’s been a horror start to the year for motorcycle fatalities in Victoria with 12 riders now dead after two...
A patent is pending for a motorcycle seat that ejects a rider in a crash and then cocoons them in...
Ambitious road toll targets, such as the improbable Vision Zero campaign, create unrealistic expectations that only serve to goad politicians...