The learner-approved motorcycle scheme (LAMS) should not only consider limits on power-to-weight (PTW) ratio and engine capacity, but also motorcycle...
Visibility of riders and their motorcycles should be increased and high-speed limits in rural areas reduced, a new Monash University’s...
A real-world study into the effects of ABS in motorcycle crashes has been completed with the help of Australian riders. There...
A Monash University academic and an Auditor General’s report have backed covert speed cameras as being more effective at reducing...
A new Monash University survey is asking the public about speed limits, point-to-point speed cameras and a proposal for a...
Motorcyclists seem to have been sidelined in a long-awaited university study that experts believe would help one of the most...
Australian millennials are taking longer to get their driving/riding licences and are using public transport more, according to a multi-national...