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Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman’s Long Way Up Is Coming to Apple TV+

Long Way Up

Time to Get Another Streaming Service?

If you’re an ADV bike fan or even if you just like motorcycles in general, then you know that Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman were working on another epic road trip on the back of Harley-Davidson LiveWires and riding from the southernmost tip of South America to Los Angeles California. Soon you’ll be able to watch it on Apple TV+.

Yep after waiting all this time, you’ll have to get Apple TV+ to watch the duo do their thing on the back of a couple of LiveWires. Apple TV+ is Apple’s streaming service that competes with Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+, Hulu, and others. Most of us likely have one of the streaming services mentioned, but Apple TV+ is one that I’ve not heard many people use. I could just be behind the times, though.

Apple makes its own content, and purchases streaming rights to shows and movies that are produced by other companies. The Long Way Up, which is the title of the latest from Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman is one that Apple recently purchased the rights to, according to Variety. The company also purchased other titles, too.