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Ute knocks over bike and does runner

Ute does runner
Ute backs over bike without seeing it

Video evidence has been provided to Wollongong police of a ute doing a three-point turn and knocking over a parked Triumph Thunderbird LT motorcycle before doing a runner.

Unfortunately for the driver, it was right outside City Coast Motorcycles and was caught on video.

We cannot make out the number plate, but it’s a white Holden Rodeo ute.

The incident occurred in Keira St at 2.53pm today (Friday 13 November 2019).

UPDATE: The police have been able to identify the driver who has been in contact with the dealership and is “cooperating in paying for the repairs”.

Ute does runner

The ute does a three-point turn and the driver must surely have seen the bike.

However, they badly miscalculate as they reverse into it.

The driver would have heard and felt the bike being nudged and knocked over as well as the ute actually running up and over part of the bike.

The ute driver’s getaway is then hampered by a couple of passing cars, but it soon does a runner.

Jane Sim of City Coast Motorcycles says the incident has been reported the incident to the police and they have the video.

Distinguished Gentleman's Ride runner
Jane Sim

“Unfortunately we are having difficulty making out the numberplate but police are trying to get extra footage from the traffic lights,” she says.

“The bike belongs to us. It is a second-hand unit that we had just photographed for sale.

“We are still assessing the damage but it will be in the area of a few thousand, unfortunately.”

If you have any information about the ute driver, please call Wollongong Police District on 02 4226 7899.

    1. Yeah Geepers if only drivers had eyes, and actually used them, and actually gave a crap about bikes, and followed the law and stopped after a collision..

      Then it wouldn’t be a rider’s fault someone knocked their bike over and bolted.

      1. I am currently disputed an accusation of “failing to give particulars”. I am fighting it out of principle as the penalty is pathetic. It is less than a $300 fine – it is no wonder all of these POSs damage other people’s property and just leave.

        Despite the fact I have been accused (wrongfully, obviously) I would 100% support a massive increase in the penalty for not taking responsibility in these situations.

  1. I think the description of the incident and the driver was rather mild and generous. He looked drunk or drugged to me so he has gotten off very lightly. As for the comment about a very cleaver place to park, looks legal, in a prescribed place ANDthe bike has right to use the road etc perhaps you are are part of the problem, blaming the bike for being in the way of the ‘drunken fool’ in his Ute. stop making excuses for bad behaviour

  2. Sorry but this is nothing new. My three week old Honda F1 750, back in 1975 got the same as I was getting my haircut, luckily the butcher saw it all, took the rego of the car which I then passed onto Police.

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