It seems riders with big heads can wear helmets not compliant under Australian Standards after a NSW Harley tour operator successfully challenged his...
A helmet forum in Sydney has decided that the Australian standard for helmets is still relevant – at least for...
If the cops want to fine you for a non-compliant helmet, ask them to throw the book at you, says...
Riders still face erroneous helmet fines for non-compliance, tinted visors and helmet cams while helmet law reform moves ahead at...
Victoria has followed Queensland by accepting European motorcycle helmet standards, placing pressure on other states to follow suit. As of...
Riders in Queensland will soon be able to wear internationally approved helmets, but they won’t be able to buy them...
A national motorcycle helmet forum has failed to reach any resolutions nor give riders any clear indication of what is a legal...
A NSW Harley tour operator is challenging his helmet fine and wants the state to follow Queensland’s example by accepting...
A helmet petition and helmet laws website have been established in the wake of Queensland accepting international helmet standards and...
There are mixed emotions about the ability of a national helmet forum today (February 19) to resolve the confusing helmet standards...
Last week’s Helmet Forum still leaves riders unclear about the laws governing the use of helmet cameras and tinted visors,...
Cheaper and safer helmets, consistency in helmet laws across states and a resolution to helmet cams and bluetooth mounts could...