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Two motorcycle crash investigations stall

double crash investigations justice conviction

Police investigations into two controversial motorcycle crashes in Melbourne have stalled after almost six months, infuriating the rider victims.

The first crash happened on July 17 at 1.40pm when a woman in a Camry drove in front two motorcycle riders in Melbourne.

The riders, Steve Caruana and Marc Logan, have left hospital but are still undergoing intensive rehabilitation.

Even though the case seems pretty straightforward from the video, no charges have yet been laid.

Police say the car driver “has had a child so police have had issues finding a time to interview her”.

Steve says he is “stunned” by investigations stalling.

“So she is calling the shots by the sounds of things,” he says.

“I’m sure she could leave her baby with a family member or friend or the police could interview her at her house.

“Why do they have to interview her? She was clearly in the wrong and all they have to do is charge her.

Steve Caruana and Marc Logan investigations ongoing
Steve and Marc in hospital

“I can’t believe how pathetic the police are and how long this is dragging on. I’m still waiting for this to finish ‘cause I still can’t get my access money. What a joke.”

The other crash investigation is a little more complex as it involves a collision with an ambulance.

The crash happened at a set of lights on September 28 at 11am in Vermont South between a Victorian Ambulance Ford Territory and Karen Caruso on her Ducati.

Karen Caruso in ambulance collision
Karen Caruso

It is claimed the ambulance went through a red light while Karen was on a green turn signal.

The incident involves the vagaries of the law involving emergency vehicles and their commence with road rules.

Police say they are still waiting for a collision reconstruction report.

Karen has been trying to contact the officer handling the case, but she’s been on leave and not returning calls.

Husband Max says another police officer told them the matter had been pushed back as it wasn’t a fatality.

“They claimed they have no access to the motorcycle which is untrue and they’ve never asked to view it even though we’ve offered it up to them,” he says.

“But the real clincher, she alluded that her findings can easily be over ridden by her superior.”

Ambulance karen caruso crash investigations
Karen on her beloved Ducati

Karen finally got through to the officer in charge this afternoon.

“She is hoping to have the report from MCIU (Major Collision Investigation Unit) at the end of next week. This isn’t guaranteed to happen,” Max says.

“She also said the MCIU have never requested to see the damaged bike. She is now going to call them and insist they view the bike.”

We will continue to contact relevant police and ambulance services for updates.

  1. In Queensland the ambulance personnel are required to ensure that the intersection is clear & safe to cross & to give other road users the opportunity to give safe way when going against the traffic signals.
    The ambulance officer is the one responsible unless Karen is (unlikely) a kamikaze rider.

  2. There’s a lot of onus on the riders in the first vid. It’s not a reach to expect someone will cross or be waived through a stopped line of traffic. Sure liability falls on the car, but this needn’t have occurred.

    Defensive awareness trumps being dead right.

    1. What you say is true and as a rider, you would check that gap for a car however, as a car driver, would you EVER just drive straight across the road like that woman did?

      Absolutely NO WAY. You’d poke your nose out to give warning that you were there and to check that it was safe. That woman was a completely ignorant driver and road user.

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