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Female rider dies in highway crash

DayGlo Queensland Police witnesses mick road safety week single 70 lanes life vehicle ute swerved

A 54-year-old female rider has died after being hit by a car allegedly turning on to the Kennedy Highway from Malone Road, Mareeba about 8am on 2 December 2019.

Police are investigating the circumstances of the fatal traffic crash.

Our original story featured a 2019 dated-stamped Google Maps image showing a stop sign at the end of Malone Rd.

However, the intersection was updated in 2015 and the road widened to allow for traffic turning left with a give way sign.

The female rider was taken to Mareeba Hospital in a critical condition where she later died.

Our sincere condolences to the rider’s family and friends.

The 63-year-old female driver of the car suffered minor injuries as a result of the crash.

The Forensic Crash Unit is continuing investigations and there is no word about any charges. It is not know if the rider was turning or indicating.

Queensland Transport and Main Roads say they are also investigating the crash.

If you have information for police, contact Policelink on 131 444 or provide information using the online form 24hrs per day.

You can report information about crime anonymously to Crime Stoppers, a registered charity and community volunteer organisation, by calling 1800 333 000 or via 24hrs per day.

Ride like you’re invisible

The accident is a sobering reminder that we have to ride as if no other motorist can see us. As if we are invisible.

It can be worse than Sorry Mate I Didn’t See You … it can be a case of Sorry Mate I Forgot I Saw You.

The phenomenon was discovered in a University of Nottingham study into crashes where drivers failed to give way to motorcycles.

Basically they say drivers see riders, but their short-term memory forgets.

The result is they pull out in front of the rider, resulting in a crash, often with dire consequences for the rider.

The uni researchers said drivers are five times more likely to forget seeing a motorcycle than a car.

  1. In the distant past when harleys were not the preserve of accountants
    and real estate agents ,I found a huge difference in the way I was treated
    riding the harley [loud] me…matted beard and hair To the way i was treated
    on my japper. The unfortunate fact is most drivers dont give a stuff unless they regard you as a threat

    1. The rider was following two car and the car went straight after those cars and didn’t take another 3 seconds to look. which resulted in a woman’s death and that woman would of had to make a quick decision as to go infront or behind the car and she also had no where to go cause she was going straight and the car turned infront of her!

  2. If we were allowed to have daytime modulating headlights most of these types of accidents could be prevented. Motorists “see” a pulsating light and it seems to stay in the memory. I have LED s in the Ventures’ head and passing lights which I can flash as fast as a disco strobe with the high beam passing light switch and have watched many cagers jamb on the brakes when the strobe makes them realise they were about pull out in front of a bike

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