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Charley Boorman breaks leg in crash

Charley Boorman

We have just heard that well-known and loved motorcycle traveller Charley Boorman has broken his leg in a collision with a car while attending the media launch of the new Triumph Explorer in Portugal.

By all reports, the Triumph ambassador has had surgery in hospital and is doing OK.

Details are a bit vague at the moment and there is no word on whether he was riding or driving.

News updates will happen by Twitter, through @biketruck – his long-time friend Billy Ward.

Billy Ward - Charley Boorman
Billy Ward

Billy writes on his Twitter account: “CB had accident today in Portugal @ Global launch of Triumph Explorer. In hospital but OK. Send him yor best. Will update U.”

The funny man followed up with: “ is now in surgery but was in good spirits before going in. Was smiling and joking before he seen the needle!”

And: “Awaiting return from surgery. I’ve ordered a nurses uniform – always wanted one. He didn’t see the funny side. Update lata.”

Ending with: “Charley Update: OK, he’s come round after op. Smiling, looking forward 2 getting home. All good. Update 2moro. Nite!”

Please send Charley your best wishes via Twitter.

Charley is a much-loved and frequent visitor to Australia where he leads Outback tours with Compass Expeditions.