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Brit cop’s view on helmet cameras

This video clearly shows that the British police have a different perspective on helmet cameras to NSW and Victorian police.

In the video, the rider performs a wheelie in a 20mph zone and is sprung by two police on horseback. Rather than fining the ride for his injudicious and dangerous riding, the policeman asks him to keep recording and show it to his friends.Helmet camera

The rider then posted it on YouTube where it has now been seen by more than 600,000 people.

The attached of the camera to the rider’s helmet was not an issue as it seems to be with some police in Australia who misinterpret the ADR rule about modifications to a helmet.

Clearly it’s a temporary accessory not a permanent modification.

Perhaps a warning like this British cop issued would have been better police PR than fining riders for such a little-known, obtuse and obscure “offence” – if it really is an offence!

In fact, one NSW Highway Patrol officer is believed to have advised a rider they fined to use that as their defence in an appeal against the helmet camera fine. So why not a warning, then?

These and other questions have been put to the NSW police and we are awaiting their response. We suspect it could be that police are sick of helmet camera video appearing on YouTube that makes them look silly; not that they will admit to that.

Meanwhile, be aware that the police in some areas of NSW are targeting riders with helmet cams.

Here is a warning message from Snr Sgt Tony Grace, Culture Senior Supervisor of the Central Coast Highway Patrol to the Motorcycle Council of NSW:

“As a result of a number of serious injury crashes on motorcycle routes over the past twelve months, the Central Coast Traffic and Highway Patrol Cluster are commencing an operation with a focus on the Old Pacific Highway between Hawkesbury River and Somersby. The operation  will predominantly be high visibility with a component involving the use of covert police vehicles. Any vehicle could be a police vehicle.

“Speeding and dividing line offences are being specifically targeted as these represent dangerous driver/rider behaviours. Helmet offences are also being addressed, which also includes ensuring helmets comply with Australian Design Rule 1968. If helmets ave been modified in any way (including the fitting of cameras), riders may be reported for these safety offences.

“This operation though being focused on motorcycles routes,is not specifically targeting motorcyclists. We will be addressing dangerous driving behaviours by all road users, as the actions of some drivers compromise the safety of motorcyclists.”