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Women ride worldwide for awareness

Sue female motorcycle riders women
Sue Corrigan

The ninth International Female Ride Day (IFRD) was held on Saturday (May 2, 2015) to highlight women motorcycle riders and encourage more females to ride. However, the Brisbane ride was washed out by freak storms and will now be staged on May 30.

The world’s largest women’s ride event was created by Vicki Gray, a Canadian motorcycle racer and founder of women’s online motorcycle magazine Motoress. She started the IFRD nine years ago and now it brings together women from around the world to inspire other women into motorcycling.

Over 24 hours on May 2, 2015, rides were held around the world. (Check out the international Facebook page for details of the rides close to you.)

IFRD Brisbane spokeswoman Sue Corrigan says it’s a day for all women motorcyclists worldwide, “inviting them to join together on their motorcycles, no matter the type, size or style, and just ride”.

However, killer storms the day before created a substantial flooding that forced them to postpone their to ladies-only ride to May 30. It starts at the Yatala Pie Shop at 8am, leaving at 9.15am for a ride through northern NSW and ending at Reedy Creek.

Sue female motorcycle riders women
Sue Corrigan

“Each participant is a role model for women in motorcycling,” says Sue who is celebrating her sixth year of organising and hosting local events. “This day each year grows and expands, country by country, rider by rider, enthusiastically participated and supported on this one synchronised celebrated day just for female riders worldwide.”

She says IFRD Brisbane ride events cover South East Queensland and Northern New South Wales, raising much-needed funds for charity, this year being Breast Cancer as the charity of choice.

Sue says most of the women also take part in other charity rides such as the Babe Raid in September, Bras and Bikes in October and the Black Dog Rides in March and August, as well as toy runs in July and December.

IFRD Brisbane will also host a fundraiser event on this Sunday, May 17, open to all riders, not just women.

Last year about 120 riders attended both events and Sue is hoping to increase numbers this year. Scooters, cruisers, sports bikes and even trikes are welcome on the IFRD ride.