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Top Mountain Motorcycle Museum To Reopen Winter 2021 After Burning To Ground

Top mountain museum fire

A Firey Resurrection

The road to any recovery is never easy, and more often than not it takes longer than you would want. Fortunately for the Top Mountain Motorcycle Museum that won’t be the case. After completely burning to the ground and losing over 280 motorcycles on the 18th of January, 2021, the Scheiber brothers are confident they can get things back up and running for the winter of this year.

We’ve already done some articles about the sheer amount of damage that was caused/lost to this tragic fire. As I said before, the museum lost over 280 historic and extremely rare motorcycles to the flames that laid waste to the 32,000 sq-ft facility.

Attila and Alban Scheiber – the founders of the museum – have a healthy level of confidence in resurrecting the museum after collectors chipped in pieces of their own collections to help restore the stock.

“We want to offer more than a world of experiences, the goal is to offer something also to non-motorcyclists,” said the Scheiber brothers. “There will be 250 motorcycles already promised by collectors from all over the world.”

Since the new museum will be hosting rare motorcycles that belong to a host of different collectors, it will be up to the brothers to ensure that the building is as safe as possible