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PINK TACO Duane Ballard Custom Leather

DB’s first hand-built death trap was the infamous Funkenstein. This gleaming digger with the chrome girder fork, groovy casket tank and fire-breathing CB750 mill has graced the pages of magazines on three continents, and established the leathercrafter as a serious bike builder in his own right. Following up such a wild ride wouldn’t be easy, but a rivalry with Kutty Noteboom—another fan of Choppetown’s Jive District—provided the inspiration both friends needed to give their oeuvre a new direction.

Built In: U.S.A. Bike Style: Retro Diggers

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Pink Taco Bike Specifications – Duane Ballard Custom Leather

Class Styling Retro Diggers
Frame Custom One Off Frame
Gastank Custom One Off Gastank
Handlebars / Risers Drag / Straight Bars
Intake Cover Velocity Stack
Motor Brand Honda CB
Motor Config In-line 4
Motor Size (metric) 0750cc
Paint Color(s) Pink
Paint Theme Metallic Flake
Seat Leather / Handtooled
Suspension Front Springer
Suspension Rear Rigid / Hardtail
Tires Tire Wide 180-260mm
Wheels Cast Mags, Invader