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Historic Winton races return

Scaled-back event with no spectators for now

Ken Lucas 1928 Douglas Historic Winton flying squirrel

The 44th Historic Winton race event for classic motorcycles and cars returns in May 2021 after being cancelled last year because of the COVID-19 endemic.

Sadly, it’s a scaled-back event with no spectators allowed at the Winton Motor Raceway near Benalla in Victoria.

That’s a shame as Australia’s longest running, all-historic motor race meeting not only attracts some great historic motorcycles to race, but also for displays and trade stalls.

The 43rd Historic Winton in 2019 attracted more than 400 historic racing motorbikes, sidecars and cars from the 1920s to the 1980s.

The 44th Historic Winton for historic car and motorbike competitors will be held on 2223 May 2021 under a Tier Three COVID Permit, says organiser Len Kerwood.

Attendance will be restricted to competitors, pit crews and officials.

At this stage, no public tickets will be available, and invitations to clubs for displays will not be possible.

“We are saddened that our event will not take its usual shape, and have not made this decision lightly,” Len says. 

“However, the costs involved in the strict COVID Safe compliance and the continually changing Government requirements, has led us to this decision.

“Our loyal supporters; the spectators, car and motorcycle clubs, sponsors, advertisers and trade vendors will be greatly missed, however the running of the scaled back event will continue to support historic motorsport and keep Historic Winton alive for future years.”

But keep your fingers crossed because, if COVID restrictions are eased, there may be a light at the end of the tunnel for spectators.

“If eased restrictions are in place, it may be possible to have spectators, but this will be determined in coming weeks,” Len says.  

Stay tuned for announcements on the Historic Winton website.