This video is timely evidence of why riders should wear a helmet camera or at least attach a camera to their bike.
This London rider filmed a truck driver turning a corner, not seeing him and running over his beautiful Ducati Monster.
He posted the video in July 2015 and we ran an article about it.
Australian helmet laws
At that time police in several states were still fining riders with a helmet camera for having a non-compliant helmet.
Since then, road and transport ministers in each state have agreed to review and make uniform several road rules across the nation.
Among these is the rule about compliance of helmets.
It seems police in all states except Victoria have decided to hold a moratorium on helmet camera fines and await the results of the road rules talks.
States such as Western Australia and Queensland even seem to encourage helmet cameras as a safety device and a way of collecting vital crash evidence.
Since this video shows just how important camera attachments are for collecting evidence, we decided to re-published it.
Read the full story here about the move to make uniform road rules.
Back to the video evidence
Full credit to the Monster rider for keeping his cool, stepping of the bike and not blowing his stack with the driver. Let’s hope insurance covered him.
The truck driver says he didn’t see the rider while turning, but it’s quite obvious that the rider was clearly visible and the driver was concentrating on not hitting the other side of the road, rather than worrying about whether any motorists are in the street he was turning into.

It was nice to see the old lady who witnessed the incident gives the driver an earful, she gives the rider a nice hug.
The rider says at the end of the video: “Something tells me I’m not going to be able to ride that home.”
Despite losing his bike and his close shave with death, the rider seemingly felt no ill will towards the lorry driver.
He writes in the video’s description: “Finally the shock is kicking in…I realise how lucky I am to be in one piece today! I uploaded this video with the hope it will raise awareness of how dangerous the roads can be and how we all need to keep in mind hazards like blind spots! There are lessons for all of us here going forward! Please stay safe out there folks!”
It’s certainly a good lesson in videoing your ride for insurance purposes.