Motorcycle safety research will be the focus of a major seminar conducted by the Deakin University next month as a new riding gear protection rating system is unveiled.
Deakin University motorcycle safety researcher Liz de Rome PhD says the seminar is an “internal university workshop to inspire researchers to contribute their expertise to motorcycle safety”.
The good doctor is well known in the motorcycle community for her research into protective materials in motorcycle clothing.
She has worked for some time on a Personal Protective Equipment rating system to give riders an idea of how much protection riding gear really offers.
She says the rating system is imminent.
“I believe there will be a media release from the funding agencies in the next couple of weeks,” she says.
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Motorcycle safety seminar invitees
Meanwhile, the seminar has invited motorcycling representatives, rider community representatives and “other stakeholders with motorcycling expertise”.
“There won’t be any report, but hopefully over the next few months some of those researchers will come up with research proposals or ideas for developments that will be of benefit to riders,” she says.
The seminar will be held at the uni’s Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus on Friday October 27, 2017.
“Researchers who are new to motorcycle safety research will be welcome as it is their own specialisation that we are seeking for collaborative work,” the seminar notice says.
Speakers include:
- Australian Motorcycle Council chairman Shaun Lennard who will give the rider’s perspective;
Shaun Lennard - Dr Trevor Allen of the Monash University Accident Research Centre who will talk about factors associated with human error in motorcycle crashes;
- David Milling of the Australian Road Research Board who will address infrastructure improvements to reduce motorcycle crash risk;
- Professor Richard Page of the Deakin Uni School of Medicine who will look at the prevalence and type of injuries sustained in motorcycle crashes; and
- James V. Ouellet, Motorcycle Accident Analysis (USA) who will talk about motorcycle crash investigation and injury mechanics.
Seminar aims
The aims of the workshop are to take a broad view of the causes of motorcycle crashes and crash injuries; to explore the potential for new approaches and technologies to play a role in reducing the risk and severity of motorcyclists’ injuries; and to investigate improvements for treatment and post-crash rehabilitation.
Other topics include:
- Injury avoidance, first responders, treatment, rehabilitation;
- Collecting and analysing big data, pattern recognition;
- Rider education, rider training, potential application of virtual reality, hazard perception training, risk management training;
- Computer simulation applications;
- Roadside infrastructure, smart vehicle technologies such as air bags and crash avoidance systems; and
- Sports science – rider movement and interaction with the motorcycle.
The workshop will be facilitated by Eric Howard, former GM, Road Safety, VicRoads.
For further information and registration contact Liz via email.