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Bridgestone Now Has Eco-Friendly Tires

Bridgestone techsyn road tires

Introducing The Techsyn Line

Beyond frequent oil changes and a few valve adjustments here and there, most motorcyclists will burn through a hefty amount of tires during their lifetime of riding. I’ve been riding for four years now, and I’ve managed to rip through a new rear tire every season… Of course, it depends on what kind of riding you find yourself doing, and how hard you handle your faithful steed, but at the end of the day to keep your motorcycle safe on the roadways (or track) having fresh rubber never brings anything other than more security and safety to your rides.

Bridgestone has come forth and announced their new Techsyn lineup of tires; an eco-friendly tire compound with the claim of increased longevity through the new compound.

Bridgestone has partnered up with Arlanxeo – an industry-leading synthetic rubber manufacturer – and Solvay to bring the Techsyn dream to life.

The collaboration effort has resulted in a new tire compound that is claimed to reduce wear by 30% without sacrificing performances between weather-dependent situations, but where does the “eco-friendly” part come into play? Thanks to Solvay’s ‘Highly Dispersible Silica’ R&D, the companies are taking a different approach to tire manufacturing than the traditional processes used by Pirelli and large-scale tire manufacturers alike. This process of creating a tire compound through the combination of synthetic rubber and silica will reduce CO2 emissions through the manufacturing line.

Bridgestone EMIA’s ECO Laurent Dartoux said in a release: “At Bridgestone, we are convinced that breakthrough innovations and the future of mobility inevitably require collaboration”

“The partnership in which Techsyn is part has evolved to become one of the most original initiatives in which we have participated to date.”

At the moment, it appears as though this compound is currently being developed for cars, but we will see if Bridgestone decides to bring this new tire technology to the world of motorcycles. If the tires really are as wear-resistant as they claim, I don’t see why they wouldn’t bring a motorcycle variant to market down the line.