Each New Year we make resolutions to do something new, better or at least different for the next year.
This year we thought we would do something different for the new decade and compile a wish list of 10 New Year resolutions we would like others to make.
We know most of these are just vain wishes, but we thought we would present them anyhow in the hope someone out there takes up at least one of them!
The list includes other motorists, but is also aimed at other riders.
Resolutions we would like others to make:
- Drivers should resolve to pay more attention to riders and looking out for their safety. Get off your phones, stop playing with the touchscreen on your cars instruments and use your mirrors.
- Caravan and truck drivers could resolve not to try to pass other vehicles on the only double-lane uphill stretch for miles around, blocking a string of traffic behind them who could have passed a lot quicker.
- How about riders resolving not to make disparaging comments about other people’s choice of bike, trike or scooter? We are part of a small community, so we should stick together and support each other.
That’s an unusual pink slip! - Some riders could also resolve to ride within their abilities. Don’t show off or try to get your knee down on public roads. Take some responsibility for your own safety and don’t just blame other motorists.
- Wouldn’t it be great if cyclists resolved to not use the road as their own personal racetrack and take up most of a lane on a narrow mountain road?
- We would also love it if governments at all levels resolved to listen to riders and include them in their planning.
- Drivers of all vehicles should resolve to understand that lane filtering is legal and not only a benefit to riders, but to all motorists as it reduces the number of vehicles in the commuter queue
Here’s a sign we’d like to see - Instead of adding performance parts to your motorcycle to squeeze out more power, riders could resolve to lose some weight to improve the bike’s power-to-weight ratio, or maybe take some riding lessons to sharpen your skills. Admit it; you don’t use anywhere near all the power your bike already produces!
Track day riders at Champions Ride Day briefing - We would appreciate it if some keyboard warriors would resolve to not fire off random abusive comments to us and other readers before thoroughly reading our articles, including this ironic list.
- Let’s all resolve to do our best to survive 2020.