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Roads Less Slippery for Riders

Queensland roads could soon become safer for riders with the implementation of standards for non-slip road surfaces and better maintenance.
A recent industry forum heard that the Transport and Main Roads Department is lifting the standard and requirements for contractors that lay coloured surfaces on their roads such as in bus lanes and bike lanes.
Painted road surfaces are a hazard for two-wheeled motorists, especially when wet.
TMR is now moving to ban some types of painted products and require independent assessment and approval by the Australian Road Research Board for any product they do use.
Queensland Councils are also signatories to the process and will adopt it.
The move has been welcomed by Dave Jones, External Affairs Director for Smarterlife the Australian manufacturers of non-slip OmniGrip road surface treatment.
“The implication for riders is that coloured surfaces that riders cross will have higher texture, for longer, reducing the likelihood that riders will slide or skid when stopping or turning,” he says.
“For example when riders turn across bus lanes or bike lanes at intersections.”
Omnigrip is not paint, but a coloured aggregate which has the same grip levels as the surrounding tarmac and wears at the same rate, he says.
“Paint-based solutions don’t retain their texture or colour for very long,” Dave says.
“The (TMR) changes only allow resin-based surfaces that demonstrate that they can perform satisfactorily in lab tests and on the actual road.
“There will also be more onerous requirements on contractors to maintain the surfaces too and repair any defects.
“The process should deliver higher-performing surfaces that are safer for longer, and lifetime costs are lower for tax payers and ratepayers.”
He expects their recycled-glass skid-resistant surfaces will pass certification so they can continued to be used in Queensland.
It is used for bicycle and bus lanes and pedestrian crossings by councils and road authorities in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Main Roads Western Australia.