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New Congestion Toll in New York City Doesn’t Exempt Motorcyclists

New York city traffic

Motorcycles Aren’t What’s Clogging the Roads

New York City traffic can be nightmarish at times. In an effort to combat this and encourage people to take public transit options, New York lawmakers decided it would be smart to add in a toll during the busiest parts of the day. They implemented this law, the first of its kind in the entire nation, in an effort to help alleviate traffic congestion.

The money from those tolls will go to helping the city repair its subway system. Honestly, probably part of the reason so many people drive is because of the state of the subway system. It’s in need of repairs. The city has to pay for them somehow, so I guess this is the solution they’ve come up with.

While we can argue whether or not this is a good idea or not until we’re blue in the face, there’s one glaringly obvious thing here that I think should be addressed. There’s no exemption for motorcyclists.

Motorcycles are not the culprits when it comes to traffic congestion in a big city like New York. It’s cars, minivans, trucks, and SUVs. According to RideApart, there are rumors that the city will consider exemptions for low-income people or people with disabilities. It should do the same for motorcyclists. I doubt that would really encourage more people in the city to ride, but it would help the riders who currently ride to continue to do so.