Yammie’s $100 million pledge (via their 2022 Sustainability Fund) now has a partial recipient – and they deal in the intriguing world that is agricultural carbon recapture.
It’s a simple concept, really; instead of investing in all things less carbon, what if we could somehow filter /recapture the current carbon in the air? Andes Ag – the first form chosen to receive a portion of Yammie’s $100 million – has a method that uses microorganisms to store the unwanted gas in our good earth, showing off compatibility with crops containing corn, soybean, and wheat.
Unfortunately, carbon recapture is a genre that has been further from reach than creating efficient alternatives, which is why it’s not been a hot topic for Powersports-related sustainability until more recently.
“Andes is researching methods to use naturally occurring microorganisms to durably store atmospheric CO2 in the soil… [using] seeds as safe vessels for microorganisms,” Explains coverage from Visordown.
“[Andes AG] intention is to give farmers ‘microbial technology’ which it says will both capture carbon dioxide and increase crop yields. In return, Andes can retrieve soil samples, and has the rights for the carbon offsets [to] convert atmospheric CO2 into mineral compounds that capture and deposit the carbon permanently into the soil, generating carbon dioxide removal credits which are validated through soil sampling.”

With the first recipient now fully debuted and more to follow, we anticipate a lot of green chucked at our good green future.