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Could VW Do a Ducati, Lamborghini, and Italdesign Spin-Off?

Italian Brands Together

There have been countless rumors that VW Group wants to sell Ducati and they never really come to fruition. Now the rumor is that VW Group is preparing and positioning the company to be sold. 

In a presentation to analysts, VW CEO Herbert Diess said that in efforts to streamline VW Group’s business, it is working to fold Ducati, Lamborghini, and Italdesign into one single legal structure. To be clear, all three operations will continue on as they have been. This is more corporate shuffling about than any real changes at this point. 

However, if VW Group does this, it will be better set up to sell these brands in the future. Diess said that brands like Ducati and Lamborghini “may not fit into the era of intelligent, networked vehicles which provide on-demand mobility,” according to Reuters.

There’s no time frame for a sale of these brands, but this is a notable step towards an eventual sale. Seeing as how Ducati is doing pretty well right now, I’d imagine it would bring quite a high sum into the coffers of VW Group. It will be interesting to see how long it takes before a deep-pocketed buyer comes along and makes VW Group an offer it can’t refuse.