Talk to any biker over a few beers at the end of the day, the same old question comes up....
The 1950s was an interesting decade for the motorcycle industry. As countries began to show signs of economic improvement after...
The world is full of amazing motorcycle brands, but I cannot think of a single other manufacturer that can claim to have a lifestyle. Is there any other brand of motorcycle in the world that has the level of global recognition of Harley Davidson? I cannot think of a single...
It’s fairly hard these days to find a movie playing in theaters that doesn’t have some kind of motorcycle involved....
Good ol’ Eddie ‘Dave’ Davenport from the Tulare Raiders on the borrowed Harley with all those smashed beer bottles. It’s...
While every decade has its icons, the 1970s have so many good models to choose from. It was a time when the Japanese were really stamping their authority over the scene, flexing muscles and cylinders with each other, and driving once-mighty international brands into obscurity. Despite the changing landscape, the...
As we reported earlier this month, Road Guardians is auctioning off the Harley-Davidson New Glory Flag Bike, with the entries...
The 1960s was a transformative time for the motorcycle industry. As the mobility culture shifted from affordable motorcycles to affordable...
Tell us honestly, what’s the first thing that pops into your mind when you think of Finland? For hockey fans, it’s the home nation of some of their favorite hockey players and goaltenders. For music fans, especially metalheads, it is one of “The Big Three” of metal, alongside Germany and...
It’s something that we take for granted these days: that 99.9% of the jackets, gloves, pants, and boots we buy...
The 1970s and 1980s were a golden age for forced induction engines. Like shoulder pads in suits and mascara on...
Since the very first 1885 Daimler Reitwagen motorcycle, the passion for two-wheeled goodness has covered the globe. Motorcycles fill all manner of human needs, from basic transportation to mind-boggling adrenaline pursuits. This naturally made me wonder, what would be some of the most important motorcycles ever made? I love these...
There is a wise saying about inventions that says that “the invention has to make sense in the world it...
For the longest time, if you mentioned the name Royal Enfield, the first thing most people thought of was a...
You can’t go far these days without hearing about electric motorcycles. It seems like every week there is a new announcement, a bit of concept design shown off, promises of a specific bike being “the motorcycle of the future.” This is all well and good, and as we know, competition...
The noise. The speed. The danger. The rebellion. It seems motorcycles were made to cause trouble. From scaring old ladies...
Next up on our voyage through the decades, we arrive at the 1990s. While the 80s was a decade of...
When someone mentions Italian motorcycles, the first image that goes through pretty much everyone’s head is that of a sleek, powerful supersport carving corners like a scalpel. If you ask the scooter crowd about Italian bikes, you’ll get your ear gnawed off about Piaggio and Vespa. These are two extreme...
The global success of George Miller’s Mad Max first installment in 1979 meant a lot for Aussies, young and old....
We take it for granted that 99% of our motorcycles’ headlights are always on, but how did we get here...
As we continue our journey through the decades, it’s time to take a look at the best motorcycles of the 1980s. While every decade in the industry’s history has been a transformative one, the 80s was on another level. It was a decade of immense vision, with motorcycle manufacturers pushing...
Forgive me if I sound about 10 years old, but as a grown-ass man I still have my childhood obsession...
All brands have certain challenges to overcome, especially the historical ones. Be it a poor marketing decision, failed product launches,...
So, just how much do you know about T.E. Lawrence? Who, you ask? And as you do, the long dead legends of motorcycling like Burt Munro, Evel Knieval, and Steve McQueen all roll in their graves. See, without Tomas Edward Lawrence there’d likely be none of them to follow in...
What is the pursuit of speed but the unparalleled thrust of girth into the void where noise is last and...
If you’re a child of the ’70s and ’80s like me, your first experience of motorcycle ice racing will probably...
Like many teenagers in 1980s Australia, I was a willing participant in the Japanese rotary-engined street racer phase that swept the country at the time. Hell, there was even a magazine called Fast Fours & Rotaries that sold here like hotcakes. But for me, the whole thing crystallized when my...
Next time you see some dinky little beginner’s bike, pit bike, pocket bike or el-cheapo Chinese knock-off that makes you...